There are several ways to make money from games. They are mostly determined by the specifics of the games themselves.

Conversion of in-game currency. This method is intended for those games in which the creators initially took into account the possibility of earning real money by completing certain tasks.

In this case, the player needs to complete various quests, get achievements, and so on, depending on the plot of the game, for which he will be assigned a certain amount of in-game currency.

In games with the possibility of earning money, its conversion into money is built into the management system, so the in-game currency is exchanged for real currency at the rate set by the game creators and transferred to the account or electronic wallet of the gamer.

Selling in-game currency and items on the secondary market. This method is used if the game initially does not allow the direct exchange of in-game currency for real money. In this case, the player earns currency or receives valuable items by completing missions, and then turns either to the trading function built into the game or to third-party trading platforms, where he sells his items and currency to other players for real money at the rate set by market conditions.

Selling characters and accounts. This method is one of the oldest, but also the most labor-intensive. A gamer creates a new account and plays on it for some time, accumulating experience, currency, and valuable items.

When it reaches a certain quoted level, the account is sold on third-party trading platforms along with all the inventory. This method is relevant in those games where there is no way to convert in-game currency into money or sell it or items on third-party platforms.

Account upgrading. This type of earnings is prohibited in some countries. In this case, a person engaged in earning money in games gets access to the customer’s account and plays on it until he or she reaches a certain level.

Blogging, streaming … it can be either a separate income or an addition to the above. You can use special services, for example, Twitch, to stream. Having a lot of subscribers and viewers, you can earn money from advertising and receive donations.

There are also several less popular methods, but the main income for players comes from the above options.

Thus, when choosing which game you can make money in, it is not necessary to stop only at projects with direct conversion of in-game currency – you can also choose options for items that are in high demand on the secondary market.